How to connect with your Divine Feminine super powers!
The importance of magic and mystery in our lives is something that we need to honour more.
I attended a retreat last August with founder of Tigress Yoga Dévashi Shakti.
In this post about ritual I shared my experience of the water temple ceremony.
At the end of the retreat she encouraged us to not speak about our retreat experience, not from a hush hush ‘what happens on retreat’ point of view, but to encourage the acknowledgment that what we had experienced was sacred and personal and we needed time to integrate our experiences.
Talking and sharing about our experience with people outside of the retreat diluted that experience some how.
It also encouraged me to refocus on my own experience. In a world where almost everything now can be on display .. hello bloggers life! This mysterious experience was just for us.
It kept my focus on how I was feeling not how I would explain it to someone else.
This is extremely beautiful feeling.
This rich magical nourishing experience was just for me.
How divine.
Over the last year I have been diving deep within my own psyche and subconscious beliefs.
I believe that this retreat was a real catalyst for some truly divine unravelling.
Necessary on a lot of levels.
Not always pleasant or comfortable let me be real here!
In Chinese Medicine we talk about Yin being the ‘mother of all things’.
In Taoist philosophy she is the divine darkness in the caves of the Kunlun mountains where all things originate. In these mountains Xi Wang Mu the Queen Mother and Goddess of Immortality resides.
In my sessions with Dévashi I had what I can only describe as an initial fleeting visit to my very own personal Kunlun Mountain.
The deepest yin recesses of my bodily awareness which I saw in my minds eye as caves filled with mercurial water, a place of great magnetic beauty and stillness, a place that felt potent and ripe.
It is this magnetic feeling that I have kept in my consciousness this last year, to remind my self that this magnetic place is the seat of my divine feminine power, and that all the striving and stretching and reaching and working and over doing that had lead to my burn out and physical dis-ease is the absolute opposite of that.
This yin power centre is infinite and as a women in a uniquely women’s body this power source has been here all along yet untapped and unrecognised as who has there been to explain this to me?
I will be forever grateful to Dévashi and the Tigress practice for showing me that all women have within us this unique power centre and way of operating and being in the world. This is just as powerful and effective as mens’ but so very different due simply to our feminine biology and wiring.
For so many women it takes an experience of burn out, illness and fatigue to look for an alternative way of being or more simply put, to stop the endless doing and seeking externally and look within for answers.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
It is possible to seek out the magnetic and the beautiful pathway for us to reach our goals and attain our dreams. This doesn’t mean sitting passive, on the contrary.
It means showing up as all of ourselves.
For women this means feeling safe, and healing that huntress warrior in ourselves that has been on the lookout for danger (often quite necessarily) our whole lives.
It means aligning ourselves with likeminded nurturing circles of sisterhood who by virtue of our mutual intention and numbers, together provide safety and nourishment.
It means choosing when to be vulnerable with our men, men who its appropriate to be vulnerable with and knowing the difference.
Most importantly its about knowing when we need to walk away from our relationships and commitments even briefly and reconnect to the infinite magnetic resource that is our inner world and the natural world around us.
I am committed to continuing this journey of personal discovery, and in my work sharing this magical magnetic process with every women I have the honour of working with.
My wish is for each and every women on the planet to know this resource within them.
So mote it be.