Keri Krieger Rewilding Middle Age Coaching Immersion>/style<


Re-Wilding Midlife Immersion

Build a strong, calm, informed & magical foundation for the second season of your life.


Across ten very supported months we will sit in circle together and I will share what we should have been taught about our bodies as teens and together we will uncover, remember and re-educate ourselves through movement, breath-work and Chinese Medicine philosophy.

Are you joining us?

Head here to find out about the next intake

Are you feeling frustrated with weight gain even when you’re doing “all the right things”?

Are you feeling hot, tired and threadbare right at a point in life when you thought there might be finally time for yourself?

Do you feel like your body is failing you and your mind giving up on you?

If you let yourself stop for just a moment do you wonder if there might  be a different way, to step off the treadmill of not-enough-ness, have energy again, get a good nights sleep and to feel beautiful as you age?

(yes I know we’re not really meant to want to be pretty because #patriarchy but creating a glow from deep within you actually means stepping away from our cultures toxic beauty standards and nourishing our true beauty)

What if your strong wise gorgeous elder self could reach back in time to lead your way?

( I mean there is a Helen Mirren lurking in all of us I am just sure of it!)


I’m Keri, Acupuncturist, Writer and Coach. You can hear me chat all things Peri-Menopause here on the Sol Cleanse Podcast

I have been treating women in clinic and health retreats around the globe for two decades and as I entered peri-menopause I realised that there is so little education about this transition and so much of what we experience at this time of our lives is still shrouded in shame and miseducation.

Through my coaching work I have also seen how women have struggled to hold it all together while doing it all at the expense of their health. In our 40’s and even late 30’s pushing ourselves beyond our limits is no longer a viable option.

This group coaching program is my love letter to you all; that we might create a better way to live and to build a foundation for what in Chinese Medicine is called our Second Spring.


Keri Krieger Re Wilding Middle Age peri-menopause


Across the 10 months of this course you’ll be invited to see this transition as a rite of passage.

This doesn’t magically fix or gloss over the hard parts but creates for you, meaning and self compassion around what you’re experiencing.

You will have access to my two decades of clinical experience, treatment techniques, and tools that I know work to support sleep, stress, and hormone imbalances. 

You will finish this 10 month rite of passage with your own unique map of what you need to be supported in the coming years.

This will include, movement, breath-work, rituals of your own creation (after experiencing the magic of ritual through the course) and treatment plans to support your own personal health needs.

Say No More I'm In!

ReWild Me!

 Come together to experience the undeniable magical when support one another. This runs at odds to so much of our conditioning and honours the unique path of each woman.

This transition need not feel so isolating! 


This is for you if ……

  • If you long for another way to enter “middle-age”  (even if you think it’s whimsical and unlikely)
  • If you have looked back at your life, at any point, and wished you had realised there were more options than you were offered, be it as a Mother, wife or business woman. 
  • If you’re looking at your daughters or nieces and hoping like hell that things will be different for them. (Guess what? It’s up to us to create these pathways!)


Choosing yourself can feel scary I know, but what I also know to be true is that everything you love expands in response to this. 


You Receive

10 x Live Circle on Zoom  (replay provided)
Live and recorded practices  each month including; breathing exercises, somatic movement practices, rituals and seasonal observances.
 Voxer group chat
Dedicated space for Q & A  where I will respond to all the questions you’ve been posting or messaging me about in the one place for everyone’s benefit.
Bonus webinars and practices .


$ 275 monthly 

Find out about the next intake!

Yes Please



Jayne Roberts

Jayne Roberts

Equine Scientist

Jump on it!. Her Practical Magic sessions are just what a soul seeks.. heart opening, expansive encouraging practical, alchemical and just utterly delicious.. with a healthy dose of butt kicking belief and self loving support. She's like the best big sister blended with a safe, seductive wisdom that leaves you motivated, seen, heart, and validated. I wish I could gift her to all the women I love.

Lara Goode

Osteopath / South Eastern Osteopathy (Soon to be found at!)

Words simply cannot describe just how amazingly magical Keri is. Starting my journey on an 8 week life coaching packaged was the best thing I ever did. Having such a supportive, intelligent and purely down to earth mentor literally changed my life. Her endless devotion and encouragement throughout our coaching sessions has helped me learn new life skills (both personal and business associated). As our program ended (and many tears were shed) I decided I could not possibly live without her and continued a monthly ‘maintenance’ of life guiding goodness! This coupled with body and soul nourishing acupuncture I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keri is now a valuable referral for many of my own clients and a close friend ? Jump in board people! You won't be disappointed! Xx

Jess Hewett

Acupuncturist /

Keri’s coaching program was such a vital support for me when I began my journey as a business owner. She was very compassionate and emotionally supportive as she guided me through the different elements of my life/business and future ambitions. Keri’s personal experiences and knowledge as a practitioner and general woman guru helped me solve so many imbalances both in my work and personal life. Still to this day she is a foundational rock in my practice and her ongoing support is something I am truly grateful for. Jess, Nuwa Natural Health

Tina Tower

Keri is the most magical and mystical human I've ever met. Last year when I was filled with anger, frustration, sadness and utter exhaustion, my friend recommended I see her wellness coach. I used to think life coaches were for people that had no idea what they were doing with their life. But I needed something to help get me out the space I'd trapped myself in. Then I met Keri, the woman who has changed my life and helped me become who I always wanted to be. She helped me let go of beliefs Ive always had (like working 12 hours days is the only way to get ahead --- I'll rest when I'm dead). I've worked less hours, got a hell of a lot more done, felt healthy, felt happy, felt inspired and ready to take on the world. From setting my back on fire (Moxa!) to dancing naked in the rain (I wasn't actually present for this!) It's been an experience and one I'm forever grateful for. If you want to achieve big stuff, call this woman. Tina

Skye Anderton

/ Ruby Olive

Keri helped me get clear on the bigger picture which was exactly what I needed to work out in order to feel calmer and find clarity on what I actually wanted to do and where I wanted to be. I loved working with Keri and would certainly recommend coaching with her if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, unclear or confused on where you're at in life.

Eva-Rose Joyce

Acupuncturist after 6 months of Practitioner Coaching.

I enrolled in a year's worth of Practice Mentoring with Keri 6 months ago. It has been wonderful to have her on the other end of the phone for assistance with tricky clients, decisions on the direction of my practice and to benefit from her extensive experience in the spa industry. She’s generous with her knowledge and time, her articles are insightful and practical and I really feel she really speaks my language! I’m looking forward to what is in store for the next 6 months as I feel I have already come a long way.

Debbie Zita

Keri will lovingly and gently guide you through any emotional physical mental and of course spiritual blocks that you may be facing. She is not only a gifted intuitive but is highly intelligent and brings a sense of humour and ease to her work.

Keri Krieger Peri-Menopause Coaching Immersion

Keri Krieger is a modern day mystic, fusing her passion for spirituality with the ancient remedies of Chinese medicine and acupuncture to guide women in coming home to themselves.

Our daily lives are filled with responsibilities and overwhelm, it is Keri’s mission to provide women with the tools they need to bring things back to basics so they can thrive as they are destined to do.


The ReWilding Modules


Month One 

We set the foundations .

Introductions, How this process will work and unfold.

Opening the circle, setting our intentions and framework for the months to come. 

Supporting and healing our SisterHood wound and why we’re not letting the patriarchy have this one!! 

Access to introductory practices, movement, dance, breath work, journalling practices.

This sets you up for your journey – managing expectations, setting intentions and creating felt sense of safety.


Month Two

What we should have been taught about our bodies in school. 

“Reverse puberty” – what is it?  

Menstrual cycle mapping 

Chinese Medicine and your cycle 

This creates a solid foundation of knowledge of your cycle, (even if you no longer have one) space to navigate your new normal and ways to track, support and most importantly not fight your body.


Month Three 

Sleep Stress and the Lifestyle Load.

TCM perspectives on sleep hygiene the role of coffee and alcohol, when to prescribe supplements to support your stress response.

Calming your nervous system understanding your new bandwidth.

Outcome – tools to support you to sleep well, manage stress, create healthy boundaries for healing and so much more


Month Four 

Rage, Fire &  Rebirth

Kali rage, hot sweats and angry vaginas! 

Chinese Medicine philosophy on your heart, managing hot sweats and so much more more!

Outcome – why anger is healthy and how to safely explore it. We will also explore a range of symptoms support and the place of spirituality in caring for our hearts. 


Month Five 

Sexuality sensuality pleasure and adornment. 

Taoist Longevity practices 

Outcome – healing shame, building back trust in your body, feeling your erotic aliveness as Esther Perel calls it (which often has nothing to do with actual sex). Support for GSM. (genitourinary symptoms of menopause)


Month Six  

Menopause and our Emotions Liver / Gut function/ Changes in digestion. TCM history 

Probiotics Fibre. 

Outcome- clearing the diet culture noise and knowing what REALLY is good for your body right now.


Month Seven 

The Enchantress Archetype in Peri-menopause.

Understanding where you are now in context of your life and what this season is offering you.

Outcomes – supporting the psycho-emotional components of this stage in our lives, ways to reframe, honour and feel confident.


Month Eight 

Avoiding burn out and the role of the Heart Kidney & Bao Mai in Chinese Medicine.

Nourishing your adrenals and endocrine system. 

Outcomes – having a practical understanding of the changes of our hormonal system from a TCM perspective and What. To. Do! 


Month Nine 

To be discovered once inside :).


Month Ten 

Revealing your new Map and Personally created tool Kit for the path ahead.

Closing the circle.


(these modules are subject to subtle changes & rearrangement in order and include experiences intentionally not mentioned here)

All modules will be anchored in seasonal practices designed to restore your connection with the natural world. I’m not going to include too much here about this as there is beauty in coming into connection with a little mystery.)


Not Sure? Book a chat with me

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