Keri Krieger, treating perimenopause, Menopause, Women over 40

Webinar for health practitioners on Treating Peri-Menopause

replay now available with bonus articles!

Say No More I’m In!

Calling all Acupuncturists, Naturopaths and Nutritionists!

According the the United Nation, World Population Prospects, by 2025, there will be over 1 billion women experiencing menopause in the world, which will be 12% of the entire world population of 8 billion.

1 Billion

Let that sink in for a minute.

Combined with the findings from this study. which I have included in their entirety below that detail clearly that there is an enormous gap in education and knowledge not only for the women about their own bodies but also for health care providers.

This sounds like the perfect storm to me. OR the perfect opportunity for significant social change, where we get to champion the needs of and support women in midlife in a wholistic way.


Regarding women’s attitudes to the menopause, 38.8% were accepting of it but more than 30% were dreading it. The women had experienced a number of menopause symptoms including mood swings (68.9%), brain fog (68.3%), and fatigue (66.8%). More than 90% of women had never been taught about the menopause at school, and more than 60% did not feel informed at all about the menopause. School was thought to be the best place for menopause education to start (83.6%). In all, 68.2% of women had only looked for information about the menopause as their symptoms started and they had talked to friends and used a variety of websites to look for information. When asked for their free-text views on the menopause, thematic analysis produced four themes: the overarching knowledge gap, the onset and impact of symptoms, perimenopause: the hidden phenomenon, and managing symptoms: differing schools of thought.


Lack of education for women and their general practitioners is causing perimenopausal women to go through this important stage in their lives with a lack of knowledge and appropriate medical care. It is essential that women are taught about the menopause, from school onwards and that we offer health professionals appropriate training starting from the medical school curriculum.

Treating Peri-Menopause

From my own experience I know that we need more well educated health care providers. The above data findings unfortunately mirrors my own experience over the last 18mths, looking for support, care and integrated understanding from health care providers. It took me 12 months and 5 different GP’s to find one that was willing to listen and spend the time to do testing that put my mind at ease.

I spent $1000’s on specialised GP’s, trialed HRT, went to lovely and well trained Pelvic Physios, (that had no idea about other modalities) downloaded untold numbers of webinars on the vaginal microbiome, GSM, and so much more to create my own healing pathway, along side my incredible Acupuncturist.

Most women won’t have access to all of this. You cant know about what you don’t know.

It can be expensive, time consuming and overwhelming.

It’s not their fault and they will often go on to suffer in silence.

Which is why YOU need to have this knowledge and understanding.

I want you to have much better tools and treatment plans ready for these women when they come to have treatment with you.


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From a business perspective it’s a no brainer.

You will meet your values in offering a high quality of care whilst also accessing a burgeoning market in women’s health.

The “femtech” industry is salivating at the prospect of having 12% of the population undereducated and under resourced to sell to. I feel we have a duty of care to educate our selves in a way that supports our community and maintains our thriving practices.



What we cover in our two hours together:

The Season Of Peri-Menopause as it is has been understood in Chinese Medicine for generations.

What is happening for women in midlife from a Chinese Medicine perspective. We will go over physiological, mental and emotional changes that are occurring, how this can show up in symptomology and a triage approach to treatment.

The Western Medical model of viewing health in midlife and why we need to have an understanding of western treatments including HRT and SSRI’s.

Chinese Herbal Medicine and Western Naturopathic supplementation and helpful “bandaids” to support clients while treatment plans can take effect.

An integrated approach to treating, GSM, brain fog, hot flushes, weight gain and disordered menstruation.

Specific tools to support your clients emotional wellbeing.

The real cost of stress on the nervous system of women in midlife and why neuroscience refers to this season of life as a dynamic “developmental window”

I encourage you to bring your case studies for a Q & A. There is no such thing as a strange question!

I will have my own case studies to share.

You will also have access to bonuses when the replay is uploaded into the portal including my mentoring articles for new practitioners in the spa and health retreat industry.

And last but not least you will have access to my Emotional Wellbeing Masterclass for half price!


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