I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure even at this early stage in the year if I can recall how exactly I got here.
And it’s only February!
The first month of the year named after the God of doorways and new beginnings, Janus, passes in a flurry of New Year’s intentions and recovering from either the year that was, a very indulgent festive holiday or a little bit of both.
Well I’m offering you a ‘do over’ on the Eve of the first New Moon of the Year which symbolises the Chinese New Year.
This also happens to be either Imbolc if your in the northern hemisphere or Lammas if your with us down under, both pivotal festivals and turning points in the year. Its a seasonal pause where we reflect on what we’re reaping in the first harvest of the summer or looking at what we are intending to sow with the coming of the light after the cold of the winter.
This is the year of the Fire Monkey and before the passionate and fast paced year is upon us I want to offer you an opportunity if one has escaped you so far to reflect on the year that was, and set yourself up for a magical and intentionally crafted new year.
To take yourself on an Elemental Journey moving through Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood follow the link to receive my New Year Elemental Journey PDF designed to guide you through the Five Elements and into the year ahead.
This New Year is the year of the Fire Monkey symbolised by Fire over Metal.
Now, fire can melt metal, but it can also forge an even stronger Metal.
*For this year ahead think hot fiery and fast. This is great for making decisions on the run, and being flexible and fluid. What this means is though that we need to keep our nourishment at peak levels to remain able to keep up and to not frizzle in the heat!
*Be careful of overspending financially and energetically.
*You will bounce back quickly though in this energetic climate as long as you pay attention!
* Its a year for passion and creativity optimism and playfulness
*Keep your calm centre to avoid falling into anxiety and frustration in this fast paced year and it has the potential to be super fun!
The New Moon is always a wonderful time to set an intention. Simplify it into a word or a feeling and see it grow with the waxing moon throughout the month.
I’d love to hear any questions you have. Comment below or zip me an email.
With blessings for a Magical New Year ahead.
PS. And that link again is Here..