Hi there! I’m so glad you found your way here, because I think I can help. 

Actually I know I can. 

Are you swinging between overwhelm and exhaustion, wondering if it’s post pandemic fatigue, the current political nonsense or peri-menopause?

There’s nothing overly wrong but you’re tired, and emotional, that little extra heaviness is sitting on your waistline in a way it didn’t used to do.

You hope that if you could just get enough sleep you might feel like your old self and with a bit more energy you could get it all sorted. 

You’re doing all the things that you think might help because they used to help, but that was in your 20’s and you’re not sure who to turn to.

You’re keeping up with all the latest wellness news, but it all just seems so contradictory and short lived. You don’t feel like you don’t have time to take a break or slow things down, because I mean who the hell will keep the show on the road?

And in the quiet of the night you wonder what on Earth it will take. 

Let me ask you a hard question.

How long have you spent looking for the quick fix?

Think about it.

I have seen women like you in clinic and at health retreats every day for the last 20 years.

I’ve treated women in their 30’s and 40’s for burnout for such a long time now. (Do you recall that phase we all went through trying to put on our own oxygen masks first before we realising that that was yet another thing on the to do list).

It’s so much more than that now because some of us are in in our 40’s and 50’s and “the change” is upon us. 

So which ever camp you’re in; the mid 30’s or the mid to late 40’s let me start by telling you that you’re not going crazy imagining those hard to pin down symptoms.

The brain fog and and emotional roller-coaster are oh so real. The feeling of never getting it all done and wondering what it is you were even trying to achieve with that to do list in the first place.

You want to feel well, and to like your family again (I know this one is so hard and you’re not alone)

Even if you’re no where near menopause the fact is that the earlier we start having these conversations and supporting your health, sleep, menstrual cycle and emotional wellbeing the easier that hormonal shift in menopause is going to be. 

(Consider this a happy bonus!)

I have a raft of strategies; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to support you, whether it’s our old friend burnout or the surprise package of perimenopause. 

You’re looking for help maintaining accountability, and support to know that you’re on the right path, maybe someone to celebrate the smalls wins and acknowledge just how well you’re doing (because you are) 

Someone to make sense of the confusing advice that spills out of the internet every day. (oh my goodness will it ever stop?)

You’ve done the rounds of so many of those cleanses, detoxes and programs.

So here’s the difference.

Every women I’ve met is a having a very different experience based on her own diverse life experiences.

So to with the coaching and treatment I offer.  Every women’s journey is going to be different as there are no one size fits all programs with me.

Let’s turn the whispers of your heart into a tangible, beautiful reality.



My clients have been women in all stages of their lives.

Self employed entrepreneurs, directors of their own companies, or women taking a sabbatical after illness or career changes. 



Eva-Rose Joyce

Acupuncturist after 6 months of Practitioner Coaching.

I enrolled in a year's worth of Practice Mentoring with Keri 6 months ago. It has been wonderful to have her on the other end of the phone for assistance with tricky clients, decisions on the direction of my practice and to benefit from her extensive experience in the spa industry. She’s generous with her knowledge and time, her articles are insightful and practical and I really feel she really speaks my language! I’m looking forward to what is in store for the next 6 months as I feel I have already come a long way.

S. Roth (after a 1:1 session)

/ S. Roth

I am home from Retreat and just was telling a friend how seeing you really helped me last week and I just wanted to say thank you for your care. It really helped me through my pain seeing you.

Kara Martini

I have found your gorgeous affirmations (that I have been reading over and over!) so helpful. Thank you so much for the healing work you did for me - you have such a beautiful caring nature, it helped me so much xx

Debbie Zita

Keri will lovingly and gently guide you through any emotional physical mental and of course spiritual blocks that you may be facing. She is not only a gifted intuitive but is highly intelligent and brings a sense of humour and ease to her work.

Lara Goode

Osteopath / South Eastern Osteopathy (Soon to be found at Rawreliefosteopathy.com.au!)

Words simply cannot describe just how amazingly magical Keri is. Starting my journey on an 8-week life coaching packaged was the best thing I ever did. Having such a supportive, intelligent and purely down to earth mentor literally changed my life. Her endless devotion and encouragement throughout our coaching sessions has helped me learn new life skills (both personal and business associated). As our program ended (and many tears were shed) I decided I could not possibly live without her and continued a monthly ‘maintenance’ of life guiding goodness! This coupled with body and soul nourishing acupuncture I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keri is now a valuable referral for many of my own clients and a close friend ? Jump on board people! You won't be disappointed! Xx

Ali Hill

Ali Hill

Psychologist/Speaker/Awesome Human

Keri’s ability to hold space when I was feeling hopeless, to cut through the noise when I was drowning is her gift to busy women. With her unique insights, her depth of experience and quirky humour, having her as a health coach bought me back to myself. When doubt rung louder than reason in my head, Keri’s practical advice gave me permission to be the biggest and best version of me. Every woman who is busy, drowning, losing sight of themselves will get huge value out of the words and wisdom that Keri shares. Do yourself a favour and get on board. I know that my future self is eternally grateful for the investment I made in having Keri in my corner.


Student of Nutrition

Thank you so much for sending me all those resources, and for taking the time to chat with me too! I felt so much better about my future even just after the little chat we had. That really meant the world to me and spun me a 180 in the right direction to a more positive outlook - so, thank you again.


Aged Care Worker and Magical Human

Thank you for the session on Friday I feel amazing! I seem to have more energy and even invited friends over for dinner on Saturday night which is not like me I don't usually initiate this but I did, so I'm feeling very happy and keep telling my family that I have had a great weekend. I am so happy to have met you and grateful that you have come into my life.

S. Roth (after a 1:1 session)

/ S. Roth

I am home from Retreat and just was telling a friend how seeing you really helped me last week and I just wanted to say thank you for your care. It really helped me through my pain seeing you.

Kara Martini

I have found your gorgeous affirmations (that I have been reading over and over!) so helpful. Thank you so much for the healing work you did for me - you have such a beautiful caring nature, it helped me so much xx


Our health, our sense of self and our ability to set boundaries and find clarity in any sector of our lives affects every other element of our lives.

Please know a healthier, calmer more creative life is possible!

Let me show you how.



Keri Krieger, Acupuncture, Womens Health Coach

I’m Keri

I help women to find clarity, creativity and personal power through my courses + alchemical coaching. I offer the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine, my intuitive methods, and proven clinical techniques you can experience the benefits of a thriving life.

I help women come home to themselves. In their practices. In their personal lives. In their bodies.

Keri Krieger is a modern day mystic, fusing her passion for spirituality with the ancient remedies of Chinese medicine and acupuncture to guide women in coming home to themselves.

Our daily lives are filled with responsibilities and overwhelm, it is Keri’s mission to provide women with the tools they need to bring things back to basics so they can thrive as they are destined to do.

Keri’s personal blend of coaching has been created over 20 years of working with women who crave practical magic in their day to day lives. She has tried and tested the navigation system she now uses to teach women to nourish their minds, bodies and spirits so they are able to to step away from over work, exhaustion, burnout and self loathing to experience personal peace, stillness and a deep love for life.

Her passion for leading women through the process of breakdown to breakthrough was born from learning the hard way that living a life that isn’t aligned with your true self is cause for extreme pain and suffering. Now, she coaches women with the hope that her lessons can be their guiding light.


There’s a few ways you can work with me:

1:1 Coaching immersions

These are 16 week deep dives into the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fabric of your life.

Your 16 week coaching program is tailor made for you with what you know you need and whole lot you’re about to realise.

Each Immersion is created to meet your individual needs and is comprehensively resourced.

These Immersions are for women, who are are a crossroads, desiring more energy or wishing they could get off the treadmill of their creation without sacrificing all they have worked for.

If you’re curious about “Crossroads Counselling” Spiritual Guidance and Evidence Based Holistic Health Care then I would love to hear from you.


Find Out More


One off health coaching consultations 

Comprehensive health consultation with a report outlining advised tests, practical action, prescriptions if needed and lifestyle advice.

Book now 

Book Now



Choose Your Own Adventure Coaching sessions.

This is a 90 minute session perfect for previous coaching clients wanting to touch base and receive support on a new project or situation.

This is also the perfect way to “pick my brain” or consult with me on a project, get my expert opinion on all sorts of things ranging from Treatment Modalities to Training in Chinese Medicine Topics.

Book in here.

Unique Workshops

Work Place Wellbeing workshop for small to medium businesses.

Group coaching sessions for health practitioners and complimentary practices.

Book a discovery chat here to see how this could work for your team


Jayne Roberts

Jayne Roberts

Equine Scientist

Jump on it!. Her Practical Magic sessions are just what a soul seeks.. heart opening, expansive encouraging practical, alchemical and just utterly delicious.. with a healthy dose of butt kicking belief and self loving support. She's like the best big sister blended with a safe, seductive wisdom that leaves you motivated, seen, heart, and validated. I wish I could gift her to all the women I love.

Lara Goode

Osteopath / South Eastern Osteopathy (Soon to be found at Rawreliefosteopathy.com.au!)

Words simply cannot describe just how amazingly magical Keri is. Starting my journey on an 8 week life coaching packaged was the best thing I ever did. Having such a supportive, intelligent and purely down to earth mentor literally changed my life. Her endless devotion and encouragement throughout our coaching sessions has helped me learn new life skills (both personal and business associated). As our program ended (and many tears were shed) I decided I could not possibly live without her and continued a monthly ‘maintenance’ of life guiding goodness! This coupled with body and soul nourishing acupuncture I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keri is now a valuable referral for many of my own clients and a close friend ? Jump in board people! You won't be disappointed! Xx

Jess Hewett

Acupuncturist / www.nuwanaturalhealth.com.au

Keri’s coaching program was such a vital support for me when I began my journey as a business owner. She was very compassionate and emotionally supportive as she guided me through the different elements of my life/business and future ambitions. Keri’s personal experiences and knowledge as a practitioner and general woman guru helped me solve so many imbalances both in my work and personal life. Still to this day she is a foundational rock in my practice and her ongoing support is something I am truly grateful for. Jess, Nuwa Natural Health

Tina Tower

Keri is the most magical and mystical human I've ever met. Last year when I was filled with anger, frustration, sadness and utter exhaustion, my friend recommended I see her wellness coach. I used to think life coaches were for people that had no idea what they were doing with their life. But I needed something to help get me out the space I'd trapped myself in. Then I met Keri, the woman who has changed my life and helped me become who I always wanted to be. She helped me let go of beliefs Ive always had (like working 12 hours days is the only way to get ahead --- I'll rest when I'm dead). I've worked less hours, got a hell of a lot more done, felt healthy, felt happy, felt inspired and ready to take on the world. From setting my back on fire (Moxa!) to dancing naked in the rain (I wasn't actually present for this!) It's been an experience and one I'm forever grateful for. If you want to achieve big stuff, call this woman. Tina

Skye Anderton

/ Ruby Olive

Keri helped me get clear on the bigger picture which was exactly what I needed to work out in order to feel calmer and find clarity on what I actually wanted to do and where I wanted to be. I loved working with Keri and would certainly recommend coaching with her if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, unclear or confused on where you're at in life.

Eva-Rose Joyce

Acupuncturist after 6 months of Practitioner Coaching.

I enrolled in a year's worth of Practice Mentoring with Keri 6 months ago. It has been wonderful to have her on the other end of the phone for assistance with tricky clients, decisions on the direction of my practice and to benefit from her extensive experience in the spa industry. She’s generous with her knowledge and time, her articles are insightful and practical and I really feel she really speaks my language! I’m looking forward to what is in store for the next 6 months as I feel I have already come a long way.

Debbie Zita

Keri will lovingly and gently guide you through any emotional physical mental and of course spiritual blocks that you may be facing. She is not only a gifted intuitive but is highly intelligent and brings a sense of humour and ease to her work.