An evening with The Goddess Space – Huntress Meditation

Instagram is a busy beast, love it or hate it, it’s ‘a thing’.

The potential to have an endless array of perfectly curated images in the palm of your hand and the seemingly perfect lives that go with it, can do your head in. (Lives, bodies and experiences that you may believe are out of your reach)

So it is with a great deal of intention that I have been choosing and following and scrolling with a little more awareness.

It’s one of the rare places that we get to choose what our eyeballs see, unlike so much of the advertising that is placed in our way when we haven’t even given our permission for it to be there.

If you’re struggling with your social media intake and what you see is leaving you feel less inspiration and more self loathing then I suggest that you immediately unfollow anyones account that leaves you feeling less than magical. It’s not personal.

I found The Goddess Space after working with Vienda Maria and instantly felt a calling to get in touch with Anoushka. “But you can’t just do that can you?”

Well yes you can, in fact it’s one of the best ways you can create and nourish a community on this mad planet of little squares.

And so I did.

As you might recall I had a trip to London planned A semi spontaneous trip that I wrote about here

And so in a quick succession of messages a date was picked and it was happening!

I was taking my Huntress Meditation evening to a gorgeous little event in London, just like that.

I had felt the pull for many many reasons, but knew I needed to trust that the details would come.


I had only landed in London very early the morning before and I hoped I wouldn’t be jet lagged.

(I avoided Jet Lag altogether somehow)

I even found my way there without getting lost.

Even a last minute location change couldn’t disrupt the flow of the evening and in fact invited in an even more luxurious element and meant Anoushka’s delightful mum could also be there.

Thank you Sera for having us in your home.

As you can see it was a wonderful evening.



The scene was set.

Can you believe this beautiful apartment?

All by Sera of London






If we are going to spend so much of our time on our devices at least use them to reach out to our sisters around the planet.

Real life heart connection still wins.

It was made even more pleasurable that I was able to bring my friend of 20 years Kate along for the ride.

Pop over to @stretchyoga in Instagram for her classes.





Anoushka talked about the meaning behind Guy Falks night, the coming around a fire and lighting up the darkness.

We wrote our intentions down and released them to the fire.

(We also set the fire alarm off a few times but hey, it all ended ok!)





The Huntress Meditation came to me four years ago.

You might say that my years of study and reading of ancient history, mythology psychology and feminism gave me access to these archetypes that all women carry within.

What I know in myself is that the frequency that is uniquely mine (as yours is) is designed to carry the energy of our wild warrior priestess history.

An energy that in the past had us burnt at the stake,

An energy that had to go into hiding.

That in some places still is in hiding.




One client, friend, gathering at a time I wish to reignite our connection with that frequency in safe held space.

Women, coming together without comparison or competition to share and be heard and connect.

Do you create time and space in your life to connect with your sisters?

I’d love to hear about your experiences .



